I have suffered from anxiety, on and off, for most of my adult life. This anxiety has surfaced in may forms, but most recently, while driving in vehicles and/or crossing over bridges. I reached out to Miriam, as I knew she had some techniques to share with me to help me lessen my fears/anxiety. First of all, Miriam has a very calming presence and a way about her that makes you instantly feel comfortable. You can feel her genuine desire to provide you resolve to the issues you are experiencing with her focus, intense listening and the questions asked to get to heart of the problem. Miriam was able to provide me some breathing and tapping techniques (aka homework, lol) that I still use when I am feeling a bit on edge. These have helped tremendously when my anxiety is heightened, and helped put me in a more relaxed state. I would highly recommend Miriam to anyone that would like to learn life-long techniques to conquer anxiety. Miriam is fabulous!